API Reference


Only API keys with Transfer privilege can call this endpoint. This endpoint supports assets transfer, including intra-exchange, cross-exchange, funding account and trading portfolio, trading account and trading account.



Applies to both user and trading portfolio's API Key. Permission: TRANSFER.


Field nameTypeNecessaryRemarks
fromTradeAccountIdLongYOutgoing Trade account ID (obtained through Trade account list)
This field is applicable to Exchange account, Funding Account, CL Trading Account and Trading Portfolio's ID.
toTradeAccountIdLongYPosting Trade account ID (obtained through Trade account list)
This field is applicable to Exchange account, Funding Account, CL Trading Account and Trading Portfolio's ID.
fromAccountTypeStringConditional- When fromAccount is a Trading Portfolio, this field is required. fromAccountType(for Trading Portfolio): OKX, BINANCE

- When fromAccount is not a Trading Portfolio: fromAccountType(for Exchange Account): Please check the list below.
toAccountTypeStringConditional- When toAccount is Trading Portfolio, this field is required. toAccountType(for Trading Portfolio): OKX, BINANCE

- When toAccount is not aTrading Portfolio: toAccountType(for Exchange Account): Please check the list below.
- When toAccountType is Binance, there may be a delay of 0.5-1 hour due to exchange.
networkStringNThis field is only effective for cross-exchange transfers and Funding Acct. related transfers.
amountDoubleYQuantity (minimum amount :Depend on On-Chain or Exchange Precision Requirements)
rapidTransferBooleanConditionalRapid Transfer only supports USDT currently, and allows transfers between five exchanges, including Binance, Bybit, OKX, Coinbase, and Gate.
clientOrderIdStringNThe unique user-defined id
loanTransBooleanNOnly the trading account from OKX exchange supports this feature. Other accounts don't support this feature.


Field nameTypeRemarks
transferIdLongTransfer ID


1. API Key

API KeyPermission
Primary userโ€™s API Key- Supports transfers between the funding account and all Trading Portfolios; - Supports transfers between all Trading Portfolios under the same primary user.
Trading Portfolio API Key:- Only supports transfers between different exchanges within the API-owned Trading Portfolio.

2. Account Type

ExchangeAccount type
BinanceClassic Account: Spot, Margin, USDT/C-M, Coin-M
PM Account: Spot, Margin-PM
For transfer of Margin-PM account, it may take approximately one hour due to processing times at the exchange.
OKXFunding, Trading
BybitClassic Account: Spot, Funding, USDT-M, Coin-M
PM Account: Funding, Trading, Coin-M
KucoinFunding, Trading, USDT/C-M, Coin-M
Gate Classic Account: Spot, USDT-M Delivery Account, USDT-M Perpetual Account, BTC-M Perpetual Account
PM Account: Unified Account, USDT-M Delivery Account, USDT-M Perpetual Account(Depends if you open the setting), BTC-M Perpetual Account
Switching between Unified Account and Classic Account may take several minutes to half an hour to synchronize the balance.
BitgetSpot, Margin, USDT-M, USDC-M, Coin-M
LTP-Trading PortfolioOKX, BINANCE

3. Network

TRC20, BTC, ERC20, BSC, etc. Please refer to the Get Currencies interface for more details.
