Retrieve the deposit addresses of currencies, including funding account and RapidX trading porfolio
Applies to both primary user and trading portfolio's API Key. Permission: READ.
Field name | Type | Necessary | Remarks |
currency | String | Y | Asset |
network | String | Y | Supported currency-network for deposit.Please refer to the Get Currencies interface for details. |
accountType | String | Conditional | 1. To obtain the deposit address for funding account (main user), the "accountType" parameter is optional. If provided, it should be "LTP" (indicating that your deposit destination is LTP). 2. To obtain the deposit address for trading portfolio, the "accountType" parameter is required and must be set to "portfolio". 3. To set your deposit destination exchange for trading portfolio, please use the "Set Deposit Exchange API". |
Field name | Type | Remarks |
id | Long | addressId |
currency | String | currency |
network | String | network |
address | String | address |
createdAt | Long | create timestamp |
minimum | String | minimum deposit amount |
accountType | String | LTP, Binance, OKX |
1. API Key
API Key | Permission |
Primary userโs API Key | Get the deposit address for the MainPortfolio. Get the deposit address for funding account. |
Trading Portfolio API Key: | Get the deposit address for their belonging trading portfolio. |
2. Important Note
- Before making a deposit, be sure to call this endpoint and check the deposit address first.
- The LTP system will record the last combination of coin, newtork, and exchange that the user has queried, and will deposit the funds into the exchange of that combination.
- To avoid depositing to an unintended exchange, please do not repeatedly query the deposit address for the same coin + chain, but different exchanges, within the same Trading Portfolio.
- Example:
- You queried the USDT+TRC20 deposit address for the Binance exchange in a Trading Portfolio, and deposited funds to that wallet address.
- You should wait for the deposit of USDT+TRC20 forBinance exchange to be completed before querying the USDT+TRC20+OKX deposit address to prevent sending your funds potentially to your Binance exchange under your portfolio.
- There will be blockchain network fees for external address deposits to the Trading Portfolio, and these fees are not charged by LTP.