Create a trading portfolio only by a primary user.
Applies to primary user's API Key only. Permission: TRADE.
Rate Limit: 3 requests per 10 seconds
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
name | String | Y | 6 to 20 characters (letters and numbers, without being all numbers, ,case sensitive) |
Field name | Type | Remarks |
portfolioId | String | Portfolio ID |
name | String | Portfolio Name |
- After user completed KYB, the system will automatically create a Trading Portfolio for the primary user, named "MainPortfolio". This Trading Portfolio is used for trading of primary user on RapidX.
- Primary user can create more Trading Portfolios (up to 50) by calling this endpoint. If you need to create more than 50, please contact your account manager.
- There is no hierarchical relationship between the MainPortfolio and the other Trading Portfolios, They are all under the primary user.