API Reference

Place Order

Rate Limit: 1200 requests per 60 seconds

Place a new order, this api is asynchronous. Returning success only means that the request is successful. The final result needs to be confirmed through websocket subscription and order query.


Field nameTypeNecessaryRemarks
clientOrderIdStringNCustomer defined order ID ,only support letters(a-z) and numbers(0-9)
symStringYSym(unique identifier:Exchange_Business_Base_Counter.
If you want to place a SPOT order for the BTC/USDT trading pair on the Binance exchange, you can use a unique identifier like this: "BINANCE_SPOT_BTC_USDT" ;
If you want to place a PERPETUAL order for the BTC/USDT trading pair on the Binance exchange, you can use a unique identifier like this: "BINANCE_PERP_BTC_USDT" ;
If you want to place a MARGIN order for the BTC/USDT trading pair on the Binance exchange, you can use a unique identifier like this: "BINANCE_MARGIN_BTC_USDT" ;

Note that we currently only support the SPOT, MARGIN and PERPETUAL trade of Binance and OKX.
sideStringYSide(BUY, SELL)
orderTypeStringYOrder type(default LIMIT, support type enums:LIMIT,MARKET)
timeInForceStringNTimeInForce (default GTC, support type enums:GTC,IOC,FOK,GTX),
GTX = GTC + Post only
orderQtyStringNOrder quantity(Mandatory, unless spot market buy ) note: trading unit of OKX is the number of contracts/ trading unit of Binance is the number of coin
limitPriceStringNLimit order price(Mandatory for limit order)
quoteOrderQtyStringNOrder quote quantity, only use for spot market buy order
reduceOnlyStringNReduce position orders only, must "true" or "false"
positionSideStringNPosition side, must NONE/LONG/SHORT
tpTriggerPriceStringNTake profit trigger price
tpTriggerTypeStringNTake profit trigger price type : LAST_PRICE or MARK_PRICE
default LAST_PRICE
tpPriceStringNTake profit price; "0" indicates market price; default "0"
slTriggerPriceStringNStop loss trigger price
slTriggerTypeStringNStop loss trigger price type : LAST_PRICE or MARK_PRICE
default LAST_PRICE
slPriceStringNStop loss price ; "0" indicates market price; default "0"


Field nameTypeRemarks
orderIdStringOrder ID
clientOrderIdStringCustomer defined order ID