Retrieve the deposit, withdraw, and transfer currency info of Funding Account, Trading Portfolio, Custody Account, and Exchange Account.
Applies to user's API Key only. Permission: READ.
Rate Limit: 3 requests per 10 seconds.
Field name | Type | Necessary | Remarks |
fromAccount | String | Conditional | FromAccount Either fromAccount or toAccount is required. If only FromAccount is passed, the scenario will be the withdraw info. If both are passed, the scenario will be the transfer info. E.g. Funding Account, Trading Portfolio-Binance, Trading Portfolio-OKX, CL Trading Account, Binance, OKX, Bybit, Kucoin, Gate, Bitget" |
toAccount | String | Conditional | ToAccount Either fromAccount or toAccount is required. If only toAccount is passed, the scenario will be the deposit info. If both are passed, the scenario will be the transfer info. E.g. Funding Account, Trading Portfolio-Binance, Trading Portfolio-OKX, CL Trading Account, Binance, OKX, Bybit, Kucoin, Gate, Bitget" |
currency | String | N | Currency |
Field name | Type | Remarks |
fromAccount | String | From Account |
toAccount | String | To Account |
currency | String | Currency |
> networks | String | network name |
> > network | String | network name |
> > depositEnable | String | toAccount deposit status, true, false |
> > minDeposit | String | toAccount min deposit quantity |
> > withdrawEnable | String | fromAccount withdraw status, true, false |
> > minWithdraw | String | fromAccount min withdraw quantity |
> > precision | String | Currency precision |
> > estNetworkFee | String | Estimated Network Fee |