User data stream.
Orders data:
Field | Type | remark |
channel | String | Channel name:Orders |
instId | String | Trading unique identifier, example: BINANCE_SPOT_BTC_USDT, BINANCE_PERP_BTC_USDT If you want to know other trading unique identifiers, please go to the introduction page. |
data | Array | Data |
>portfolioId | String | Portfolio ID |
>orderId | String | Order ID |
>clientOrderId | String | Customer defined order ID |
>exchangeType | String | Exchange type(BINANCE, OKX) |
>businessType | String | Business type(SPOT, PERP) |
>sym | String | Trading unique identifier, example: BINANCE_SPOT_BTC_USDT, BINANCE_PERP_BTC_USDT If you want to know other trading unique identifiers, please go to the introduction page. |
>limitPrice | String | Order price |
>orderQty | String | Order quantity, note: trading unit of OKX is the number of contracts/ trading unit of Binance is the number of coin Note: The trading unit on OKX is measured in the number of contracts, while the trading unit on Binance is measured in the number of coins. |
>quoteOrderQty | String | Order quote quantity, applicable only for spot market buy orders. |
>side | String | Side(BUY,SELL) |
>exchangeOrderType | String | Exchange order type(LIMIT, MARKET) |
>timeInForce | String | Default GTC, enums:GTC,IOC,FOK,GTX |
>executedQty | String | Transaction quantity Note: The trading unit on OKX is measured in the number of contracts, while the trading unit on Binance is measured in the number of coins. |
>executedAmount | String | Transaction amount |
>executedAvgPrice | String | Average transaction price |
>lastExecutedQty | String | Last transaction quantity |
>lastExecutedPrice | String | Last transaction price |
>lastExecutedAmount | String | Last transaction amount |
>fee | String | Transaction fee amount |
>feeCoin | String | Transaction fee coin |
>rebate | String | Rabate amount |
>rebateCoin | String | Rebate coin |
>updateAt | String | Update time |
>createAt | String | Create time |
>reason | String | Fail reason |
>borrowAmount | String | Borrow amount |
>borrowAsset | String | Borrow asset |
>leverage | String | Order leverage |
>positionSide | String | Position side |
Trades data:
Field | Type | remark |
channel | String | Channel name:Trades |
instId | String | Trading pair unique identifier, example: BINANCE_SPOT_BTC_USDT, BINANCE_PERP_BTC_USDT |
data | Array | Data |
>transactionId | String | Transaction ID |
>portfolioId | String | Portfolio ID |
>orderId | String | Order ID |
>clientOrderId | String | Customer defined order ID |
>sym | String | Trading unique identifier, example: BINANCE_SPOT_BTC_USDT, BINANCE_PERP_BTC_USDT |
>exchangeType | String | Exchange type (example: BINANCE,OKX) |
>businessType | String | Business type |
>price | String | Filled price |
>quantity | String | Filled quantity, note: trading unit of OKX is the number of contracts/ trading unit of Binance is the number of coin |
>tradingFee | String | Trading fee |
>tradingFeeCoin | String | Trading fee coin |
>side | String | Side(BUY,SELL) |
>createAt | String | Execution time |
>execType | String | TAKER or MAKER |
>rpnl | String | Realized PNL |
Asset data:
"channel": "Assets",
"data": [{
"portfolioId": "1711075287090000",
"coin": "USDT",
"exchangeType": "OKX",
"businessType": "UNI",
"balance": "99.012100925",
"equity": "99.012100925",
"available": "99.012100925",
"frozen": "0",
"overdraw": "0",
"marginValue": "96.536798401875",
"debt": "0",
"virtualBorrow": "0",
"debtMargin": "0",
"perpMargin": "0",
"maxTransferable": "0",
"equityValue": "0",
"borrow": "0",
"updateAt": "1711955466958"
Field | Type | remark |
channel | String | Channel name:Assets |
data | Array | Data |
>portfolioId | String | Portfolio ID |
>coin | String | Coin |
>exchangeType | String | Exchange type(example: BINANCE, OKX) |
>businessType | String | UNI |
>balance | String | Transferable amount |
>equity | String | Equity |
>available | String | Available |
>frozen | String | Frozen |
>overdraw | String | OverDraw |
>debt | String | Debt |
>marginValue | String | Margin value |
>virtualBorrow | String | Virtual Borrow |
>debtMargin | String | Debt Margin |
>perpMargin | String | Perp Margin |
>maxTransferable | String | Maximum transfer amount |
>equityValue | String | Equity value |
>borrow | String | Borrow |
>upnl | String | Unrealized Profit and Loss |
>updateAt | String | Update time |
Positon data:
Field | Type | remark |
channel | String | Channel name:Positions |
data | Array | Data |
>portfolioId | String | Portfolio ID |
>positionId | String | Position ID |
>sym | String | Trading unique identifier, example: BINANCE_PERP_BTC_USDT |
>positionSide | String | NET |
>positionMargin | String | Position margin |
>positionMM | String | Position maintain margin |
>positionQty | String | Position quantity, note: trading unit of OKX is the number of contracts/ trading unit of Binance is the number of coin |
>positionValue | String | Position value |
>entryValue | String | Position init value |
>unrealizedPNL | String | Unrealized PNL |
>unrealizedPNLRate | String | Unrealized PNL rate |
>avgPrice | String | Average price |
>markPrice | String | Mark price |
>leverage | String | Leverage |
>maxLeverage | String | Max leverage |
>riskLevel | String | Risk level |
>fee | String | Trading fee |
>fundingFee | String | Funding fee |
>liqPrice | String | Estimated liquidation price of position. If the data is null, it means there will be no forced liquidation |
>createAt | String | Create time |
>updateAt | String | Update time |
MarginCall data:
Field | Type | remark |
channel | String | Channel name:MarginCall |
data | Array | Data |
>portfolioId | String | Portfolio ID |
>exchangeType | String | BINANCE, OKX |
>margin | String | Margin |
>maintainMargin | String | Maintain margin |
>uniMMR | String | uniMMR |
>accountStatus | String | Account status |
>updateAt | String | Update time |