401000 | Invalid portfolioId |
401001 | The clientOrderId must less than 64 |
401002 | Invalid side |
401003 | Invalid orderType |
401004 | Invalid timeInForce |
401005 | Invalid orderQty |
401006 | Invalid limitPrice |
401007 | OrderId length must be 16 digits |
401008 | One of the field between orderId and clientOrderId must be send |
401009 | ClientOrderId duplicate |
401010 | User portfolio not exists |
401011 | The sym is not supported |
401012 | Price is not valid |
401013 | Order quantity precision should be less than the min quantity precision |
401014 | Order quantity should be greater than the min quantity |
401015 | Order price precision should be less than the min price precision |
401016 | Order price should be less than the min price |
401017 | Order amount should be greater than the min notional |
401018 | The order was not found |
401019 | Not allow cancel |
401020 | Invalid orderId value |
401021 | Invalid quoteOrderQty |
401022 | Invalid userId from gateway |
401023 | Invalid exchangeType |
401024 | Invalid quoteOrderQty |
401025 | Order quantity should be less than the max quantity |
401026 | Order amount should be less than the max market quote size |
401027 | Order quantity should be less than the max market base size |
401028 | Order amount should be great than the min market quote size |
401029 | Order quantity should be great than the min market base size |
401030 | When querying the interface, the symbol field should be used in conjunction with the business field |
401031 | The precision info is Not Found |
401032 | The position was not found |
401033 | Invalid leverage |
401034 | The leverage you have set exceeds the maximum leverage limit |
401035 | Asset is not exists |
401036 | Insufficient available for set this leverage |
401037 | Please set leverage first |
401038 | There is a close order, please cancel it first |
401039 | Invalid begin param |
401040 | Invalid end param |
401041 | The sym should be PERP businessType |
401042 | Market order timeInForce can't be GTX |
401043 | There is a open order, please cancel it first |
401044 | The open order num exceeds the limit |
401045 | The account is under risk control, and placing orders is prohibited |
401046 | Your exchange account has not been initialized, please transfer to this portfolio. |
401047 | ReduceOnly orders must be in the opposite direction of the position |
401048 | Can not place ReduceOnly order when position quantity is zero |
401049 | Invalid reduceOnly |
401050 | Invalid statementType |
401051 | ClientOrderId only support letters and numbers |
401052 | Due to the order could not be executed as maker, the GTX order will be rejected |
401053 | Your exchange account status is restriction, unable to close position |
401054 | The open order num exceeds the limit |
401055 | Insufficient available |
401056 | Your openLoss are too large, which will cause your availableMargin to insufficient |
401057 | Insufficient frozen |
401058 | Insufficient availableMargin |
401059 | Because there is an order with a better price, the reduce only order cannot be placed at this price |
401060 | Your open position exceeds the maxNotional limit, you can decrease your leverage to increase your maxNotional limit |
401061 | Forbid order for this portfolioId |
401062 | Insufficient exchange account amount for user |
401063 | Exchange account available not enough |
401064 | Select account failed, no account matching the criteria |
401065 | Exchange account insufficient amount |
401066 | Can not find exchange account group |
401067 | Unsupported businessType |
401068 | Due to an order with a better price, %s reduce only order to %s %s %s at %s was cancelled |
401069 | Invalid businessType |
401070 | Your open position exceeds the maxNotional limit |