Rate Limit: 5 requests per 10 seconds
Get transactions from the past 7 days.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
orderId | String | N | Order ID |
sym | String | N | Trading pair unique identifier , example BINANCE_SPOT_BTC_USDT, BINANCE_PERP_BTC_USDT |
begin | String | N | Start time,default is to query data that is up to 90 days ago |
end | String | N | End time |
page | String | N | Current Page |
pageSize | String | N | Page size(Default 1000, max 1000) |
Field | Type | Remark |
transactionId | String | Transaction ID |
portfolioId | String | Portfolio ID |
orderId | String | Order ID |
clientOrderId | String | Customer defined order ID |
exchangeType | String | ExchangeType(BINANCE、OKX) |
businessType | String | BusinessType |
sym | String | Trading pair unique identifier |
side | String | Side |
quantity | String | Filled quantity |
price | String | Filled price |
tradingFee | String | Trading fee |
tradingFeeCoin | String | Trading fee coin |
execType | String | "MAKER" or "TAKER" |
rpnl | String | Realized PNL |
createAt | String | Transactions create time |