API Reference

Portfolio Funds in/out History

This API will allow you to check the funds in/out history of the sub-portfolio. The history will include deposit, transfer and withdrawal history within the designated portfolio.



Please note that this API only applies to sub-portfolio's API Key so far and can't apply to primary-user's API Key yet. For checking the deposit/transfer/withdrawal history of primary-user and main portfolio, please use deposit/transfer/withdrawal history API.


Field nameTypeNecessaryRemarks
typeIntegerNType: 0:deposit 1:transfer 2:withdraw
statusIntegerN0:pending 1:succeed 2:failed
startTimeLongNMillisecond timestamp
endTimeLongNMillisecond timestamp
pageIntegerNCurrent page, default is 1
pageSizeIntegerNNumber of results per page, default is 1000


Field nameTypeRemarks
idLongTransfer ID / Deposit ID / Withdraw ID
clientOrderIdLongUser-defined ID
amountBigDecimalAmount you created a transaction
amountReceivedBigDecimalAmount you received
networkStringThis field will only take effect in cross-exchange transfers.
txIdStringOn-chain transaction ID
fromTradeAccountIdLongOutgoing Trade account ID (obtained through Trade account list)
This field is applicable to Exchange account, Funding Account, CL Trading Account and Trading Portfolio's ID.
toTradeAccountIdLongPosting Trade account ID (obtained through Trade account list)
This field is applicable to Exchange account, Funding Account, CL Trading Account and Trading Portfolio's ID.
fromAccountTypeString- When fromAccount is a Trading Portfolio, this field shows the destination exchange of the portfolio such as Binance, OKX.
toAccountTypeString- When toAccount is a Trading Portfolio, this field shows the destination exchange of the portfolio such as Binance, OKX.
statusIntegerTransfer status: 0: execution in progress 1: execution succeeded 2: execution failed
typeInteger0:deposit 1:transfer 2:withdraw
createdAtLongThe time when the record was created, expressed as a timestamp in milliseconds