API Reference

📡Market Data Streams(websocket)

websocket API public subscription channels,websocket Indicates the interface related to subscription market data stream

Do not need to login in first

The server may be disconnected due to cloud service abnormalities, system updates, etc. It is recommended to add automatic reconnection logic.


  • WebSocket public subscription channels: wss://wss.liquiditytech.com/v1/public

Tip:If you do not subscribe or the server does not push data to the user within 30 seconds after the subscription, the system automatically disconnects the user
To keep the connection valid and stable, it is recommended that you do the following:

  1. After receiving a message, the user sets a timer for N seconds. The timer value is less than 30.
  2. If the timer is triggered (no new message is received within N seconds), send the string 'ping'.
  3. Expect a literal string 'pong' in response. If you do not receive it within N seconds, issue an error or reconnect.