Only API keys with Transfer privilege can call this endpoint.
Applies to primary user's API Key. Permission: READ.
Field name | Type | Necessary | Remarks |
currency | String | N | Currency |
type | Integer | M | Action type 1:Lock 2:UnLock |
status | Integer | N | Lock/UnLock status 0:pending 1:success 2:failed |
actionId | String | N | Lock/UnLock action Id |
startTime | Long | N | Start time: timestamp |
endTime | Long | N | End time: timestamp |
page | Integer | N | Current page, default=1, the min value=1 |
pageSize | Integer | N | Page size, default=20 |
Field name | Type | Remarks |
actionId | Long | Trade Account Id |
type | Integer | Action type 1:Lock 2:UnLock |
currency | String | Currency |
amount | String | Amount |
accountId | Long | Posting trading account ID |
status | Integer | Lock/UnLock status 0:pending 1:success 2:failed |
reason | String | Message When Lock/UnLock Failed |
createdAt | Long | Creation time: 13 bit timestamp |