API Reference

Query Transfer Records

Retrieve transfer records according to certain transferId



Applies to both user and trading portfolio's API Key. Permission: READ.


Field nameTypeNecessaryRemarks
transferIdLongConditionalTransfer ID. Either the transfer ID or the client order ID must be provided.
clientOrderIdStringConditionalThe unique user-defined id. Either the transfer ID or the client order ID must be provided.


Field nameTypeRemarks
transferIdLongTransfer ID
networkStringThis field will only take effect in cross-exchange transfers.
txIdStringTransaction ID
amountReceivedDoubleThe actual amount received
networkFeeDoubleThe actual networkFee costed
fromTradeAccountIdLongOutgoing trading account ID
toTradeAccountIdLongPosting trading account ID
fromAccountTypeString- When fromAccount is a Trading Portfolio, this field shows the destination exchange of the portfolio.
toAccountTypeString- When toAccount is a Trading Portfolio, this field shows the destination exchange of the portfolio.
statusIntegerTransfer status: 0: execution in progress 1: execution succeeded 2: execution failed
reasonStringMessage When Transfer Filed
createdAtLongCreation time: 13 bit timestamp
clientOrderIdStringThe unique user-defined id